


妳享受生活嗎? 還是每天只為生存而傾盡全力?
作為一位媽媽, 每天努力為老公, 為孩子, 為父母, 為老爺奶奶, 為家庭不斷付出, 這是妳全部的成就嗎?

如果有世上有一種秘密武器、創造家庭真正幸福,提升夫妻關係、增加財富, 釋放孩子的潛能,
那就是花花老師 提供的就課程。

“我能體認到自己、解決問題和提升家庭關係的能力得到了突飛猛進的發展。 最重要的是,花花老師 已經並將繼續幫助我展開並揭示我最好的一面。

  • C = Communicating, Coaching, and Caring

As a mother, you want to communicate with your kids, your husband, family members, your loved ones with harmony. How many times you are frustrated because you tried hard communicating but ended up creating something that you really don’t want?

I’m sure you want to coach your kids, lead them to happiness, draw out what their potentials are, make more of it, and set your kids free forever! Did you successfully achieve that?

How many times baby, did you try to take care of your family, but after doing many, people took it for granted and make less of it? Further, you work so hard helping, supporting, resulting in nothing, but end up everyone is upset with you?

  • Mom? The real question is, are you a mom? What is YOUR definition of being a mom?
  • EC Mom is an area especially helping mothers to communicate effectively, to coach effectively, and also to care effectively. To knowingly create harmony family. Does that match your dream?

My dream is to create a blissful moms’ community, all the moms become master coaches, master communicators, master leaders who can bring out others’ true potentials and be true to themselves. Creating many happy families and all the kids can be FREE!!


error: 分享給那個她/他, 邀請她/他跟你一起獲得幸福